Call for Applications: Dutch language-course in May-June 2023 for Graduate Students (tuition-free)
Applications are invited for a month-long course ("the summer course") in modern Dutch, early modern Dutch/paleography, and archival research in Amsterdam/The Hague* ('the archival week').
The first two sections can be taken separately. The third section, in the Netherlands, requires participation in one or both of the first two sections.
The course is free-of-charge. Funding has been provided through the Nederlandse Taalunie.
The course has three distinct sections, and students may apply to the first section (Modern Dutch for Reading Knowledge), and/or the second section (Early Modern Dutch/Paleography).
Participation in the third section, the Archival week in the Netherlands, requires participation in either or both other sections.
A single letter of application will suffice for any section(s) of the course, but applicants should be sure to include the appropriate supporting materials for the particular section(s) of the course to which application is being made. Applicants are requested to clearly state which sections they are applying to, by stating it in boldface on the letter of purpose.
*Participants in the Archival Week in the Netherlands must make arrangements for their own accommodations and flight.
Travel expenses within the country may be covered depending on additional funding.
To read more about the application and to see the full list of prerequisites, please view the complete call for applications.